11 January - 3 February 2023
tumtumpao iti nadagsen
(the heavy floats)
Eunice Sanchez

Eunice Sanchez's "tumtumpao iti nadagsen" (the heavy floats) depicts narratives informed by the experience of moving from one place to another and the artist's personal history with bodies of water.
Eunice Sanchez (b. 1993) engages with themes related to preservation and perception through photography and alternative processes. She recontextualizes the materiality of her medium to demonstrate the demand for history to be re-examined. Sanchez is the Silver Recipient in the book (self-published/documentary) category at the International Photography Awards Philippines (2017) and was a resident at 'Visualising Histories,' a collaborative project between Museum Collective (Philippines), Load Na Dito (Philippines) and Sa Sa Art Projects (Cambodia), supported by the Asian Cultural Council (2021). Last year, she completed the ASEAN Artists Residency Programme at Sharjah Art Foundation in the United Arab Emirates.